The Christmas Story is performed entirely by volunteers. Our musicians and stage manager are paid professionals. It costs over $35,000 each season to mount the pageant. The biggest budget items to fund are the lighting and music.
Producer/Director: Susan Watson
Assistant Producer/Director:
Assistant Producer: Jennifer Radford
Choir Director: Michael Erdman
Technical Director/Lighting Design:
Stage Manager:
Lighting Services:
Wardrobe: Terecina Stanichevsky
Front of House:
Poster and Graphics: SURPH Graphic Design
Website Design: Jennifer Radford
Publicity: Jennifer Radford (www.thepublicitypod.com)
Holy Trinity Incumbent: The Reverend Pamela Trondson
If you are interested in contributing financially to support the Christmas Story:
(NOTE: in the box which says "1-Mission and Ministry", please scroll down to "2-Christmas Story")
If you are interested in becoming part of our Performing or Backstage teams: